Stop Entertain Those People.

the arrgument between the Jp, US and Europ cars went nuts here. The reason is some people came here to pick a fight. No matter what you say, they are going to make it into a personal level and exaggerate it 100 times.

Those people does not have registered name. Or they only register a name to fight and disappear.
Those people does not have personal experience with the car. They just throw some blind statement.

Please stop respond to those posts and clean the house.

TO WHOM does not do researchs:

I have post on how insurance company rate their clients. That is a inside story from the insurance head office, not agent. Read it before you start to claim the company is good or bad, just because they raise your cost.

Think if you are running the business and you will be able to tell what you are going to do to keep the business running.

To whom that want to fight the law:

If you have a traffic violation or accident and it is your fault. Admit it is your fault and learn from it. DOnt be an ass and try to "locate a bone within an egg." It is not going to help. This is USA not China. You need to change the way you think. Law is flexible if you can work with it not aganest it.
"Under the Mercy of law" can save you big time.

I hate to repeat the same answer again and again.
