sweet cat wants home in DFW TX

来源: ting88 2003-11-04 10:34:00 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (653 bytes)
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Around 3-5 years old. Female. Black & white tuxedo pattern. black head, back and tail. white face, tummy and legs. Very gentle, sweet girl. She'll come to your lap, try reach your face with her face. She'll sleep right beside where you're. She's also very talkative if you talk to her.

She was abandonned and stopped eating when I found her in my neighbor apartment complex. I guess she must be very sad and don't understand what she did wrong. I forced feed her for two weeks until she fully recovered. Since my other two cats don't get alone with her, I want to find her a good home she deserve. Contact me at lucky98ca@yahoo.com if interested



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