回复:回复:J-1 scholar转 J-1student

来源: shbbj1 2003-11-03 21:08:00 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (508 bytes)
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回答: 求助:J-1 scholar转 J-1studentshbbj12003-11-03 12:12:00
Thank you very much!
But i am still a bit confused. I called the international student service office about the visa affairs.They told me i only need to bring the I-20 form,my passport to their office and they will do that for me.They didn't mention that i have to get renewed my visa. Besides, the custom officer have stamped a
J-1 signature on my passport when i was entering the US. Does it make sense to have the passport stamped again since I didn't change my visa status?
Thanks once again!


thanks Huida,one more question -shbbj1- 给 shbbj1 发送悄悄话 (541 bytes) () 11/03/2003 postreply 22:06:00



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