
本文内容已被 [ FQDN ] 在 2004-02-06 15:24:48 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.
回答: 回复:Thanks but still not?2003-09-17 03:03:00

1. I do not think you should use that wizard at all.
2. Make sure the "File and Printer sharing for Microsoft networks" are checked in your network settings
3. The browser service is enabled and running.
4. Disable firewall or configure your firewall to open port 135,139,137,138,445 (TCP and UDP)
5. Use same username and password;
6. Same workgroup name.
7. Share your Printer;
8. Make shares on your hard disk(right click on the folder, select properties and enable share.
9. If you still can not see the other computer in My Network Places, make a short cut on your desktop, in the box type 192.168.0.*sharename to create a connection to the share. (Before this step you must know the IP of the other PC AND you can ping it. The share name is the name you created when you make the share. Replace the IP and share name with yours accordingly.)
10. Let me know you make it or not.
11. Good luck.
