DSL Modem-》Wifi Router-》Ur PCs

来源: Submariner 2003-12-26 12:14:00 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (344 bytes)
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Your hub is useless in this environment. Do you know if your laptops have Wi-fi capability? Assume not, you need two wireless adaptor PC cards (1 for each laptop) and 1 PCI wireless adaptor or 1 USB wireless adaptor for your desktop. Just install those cards/adaptors in your PCs and relevant SW that came with them you should be good to go.



DSL Modem-》Wifi Router-》Ur PCs -luck986- 给 luck986 发送悄悄话 (275 bytes) () 12/27/2003 postreply 08:53:00



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