He was beautiful, beautiful to my eyes, From the moment I saw him sun filled the skies. He was so, so beautiful, beautiful just to hold, In my dreams he was springtime, winter was cold.
How could I tell him what I so clearly could see? Though I longed for him, another trusted me completely so I never could be free.
Aah but it was beautiful, knowing now that he cared, I will always remember times that we shared. Now it's all over still the feelings linger on, For my dream keeps returning now that he's gone.
For it was beautiful, beautiful, beautiful to be loved.
1973年,Cleo Laine 为这首歌填词并重新起名为《He Was Beautiful》。歌词讲述了歌手对一个人的爱恋,他是如此美丽,让歌手无法自拔,但歌手已经有了另一个人的承诺,无法自由选择。即使他们的关系已经结束,歌手仍然无法忘记那段美好的时光。整首歌曲表达了对爱情美好回忆的珍视和怀念之情。