你的孩子能填出来下列填空. 你能吗?

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你的孩子能填出来下列填空. 你能吗?


LOL: laughing out loud

BRB: ___ _____ _____

MUSM: ____  ____ ____ ____

A/S/L: ____, ____, __________

BF: ______________

TAW: _____ ____ _______

LULAS: ____ ____ ____ __ ____

POS: ______ ___ _______

WTGP: ____ __ __ _________?

LMIRL: ____ ____ __ ____ ______


据估计, 每年约有20%的孩子会受到网上的性骚扰. 1


互联网络是一个无价的巨大资源. 但是, 的确也存在一些值得我们重视的严重问题. 比如: 网上性寻猎者和网上皮条客.


网上性寻猎者: 可能是任何人. 互联网允许任何人匿名上网, 也不能防止成年人故意掩藏TA们的年龄, 性别, 身份, 和上网目的等.


网上皮条客: 无端的, 不请自到的, 或是你不希望可以被孩子接触到的那些诱使孩子们从事性活动, 或者进行色情交谈, 或者是发布不恰当的个人性信息.


教育自己的孩子如何保护自己, 不受这些网络的侵扰, 是很重要的一课. 教会孩子如何保护自己最好的的办法, 就是和孩子交谈, 并且恰当地参与孩子的活动.


-        象保护你的孩子在现实中不会受到侵害一样去保护你的孩子不受网络的侵害.


-             对孩子上网予以知道, 并一起制定纪律.

-             要知道你的孩子在和什么人交谈.


-        认识互联网.


-             熟悉你的孩子经常会接触到的或经常使用的软件, 程序, 经常访问的网站.

-             考虑使用internet filters blocks.


-        把家庭使用的计算机放在公共的房间, 以便监督和指导孩子上网.


-        限制孩子的上网时间, 以保证孩子的上网安全. 告诉孩子上网的好处和危险, 确保你的孩子理解并能作出正确的选择.


-        告诉孩子, instant messaging (IM) 只能用来和学校的同学或其他熟悉的朋友聊天. 什么叫 熟悉”, 是指能面对面的认识, 并且, 是家长认可的. 只是在网上结实的, 聊的开心的 朋友”, 不是 熟悉的朋友!


-             和孩子一起检查孩子的 IM “buddy list”. 确认孩子可以描述出每一个ID所代表的是谁.


-        65%的意外都是在聊天室里发生的!2


-             告诉孩子, 如果一件事, TA不会在公众面前说出来的话, , 也一定不要在聊天室里说出来!


-             经常提醒孩子, 在网上说自己是什么样子的人, 很可能事实中并不是那个样子的.


-             强调: 在大多数情况下, 去见 网友是不安全的.


如果你发现了问题, 怎么办?


-        要对孩子平时的行为习惯, 言谈举止的变化所有敏感.


-         要检查电话帐单上的陌生电话号码, 尤其是孩子的手机帐单. 检查孩子的不能解释来源的不正常的礼物.


-        要对孩子表现出你的关心, 认真倾听TA们的倾诉, 如果听到孩子说起一些你认为不好的网上经历, 或你认为不妥的行为, 要保持冷静.


-        不要恐吓孩子取消TA们上网的权利.


-        用孩子发生的小错误来和孩子商讨安全措施, 强调网上的人在事实中很可能不是那样的.


1, 2 : 数据来源于David Finkelhor, Kimberly J. Mitchell, and Janis Wolak 1999年对于10-17岁的遭受网上性骚扰的孩子的一份调查报告.


121: one to one

ADN: any day now

AFAIK: as far as I know

AFK: away from keyboard

A/S/L: age, sex, location

B4: before

B4N: bye for now

BAK: back at the keyboard

BBIAB: be back in a bit

BBL: be back later

BBN: bye bye now

BBS: be back soon

BEG: big evil grin

BF: boyfriend

BFN: bye for now

BG: big grin

BL: belly laughing

BMTIPG: brilliant minds think in parallel gutters

BRB: be right back

BTA: but then again

BTW: by the way

BWL: bursting with laughter

BWTHDIK: but what the heck do I know

C&G: chuckle & grin

CID: crying in disgrace

CNP: continued (in my) next post

CP: chat post

CRBT: crying real big tears

CSG: chuckle, snicker, grin

CU: see you

CUL: see you later

CYO: see you online

DBAU: doing business as usual

DIKU: do I know you?

DL: dead link

DLTBBB: don’t let the bed bugs bite

DQMOT: don’t quote me on this

EG: evil grin

EMFBI: excuse me for butting in

EMSG: E-mail message

EOT: end of thread

F2F: face to face

FC: finger crossed

FISH: first in, still here

FMTYEWTK: far more than you ever wanted to know

FOMCL: falling off my chair laughing

FTBOMH: from the bottom of my heart

FUD: fear, uncertainly, and doubt

FWIW: for what it’s worth

G2G: got to go

G: grin

GA: go ahead

GAL: get a life

GD&R: grinning, ducking, and running

GF: girlfriend

GFN: gone for now

GIWIST: gee, I wish I’d said that

GMBO: giggling my butt off

GMTA: great minds think alike

GOL: giggling out loud

GTRM: going to read mail

GTSY: glad to see you

H&K: hug and kiss

HAGN: have a good night

HHIS: hanging head in shame

HTH: hope this helps

HUB: head up butt

IAC: in any case

IANAL: I am not a lawyer (but)

IC: I see

IDK: I don’t know

IHA: I hate acronyms

IIRC: if I remember correctly

ILU: I love you

IM: instant message

IMHO: in my humble opinion

IMNSHO: in my not so humble opinion

IMO: in my opinion

IOW: in other words

IPN: I’m posting naked

IRL: in real life

IWALU: I will always love you

IYSWIM: if you see what I mean

JIC: just in case

JK: just kidding

JMO: just my opinion

JTLYK: just to let you know

K: okay

KIT: keep in touch

KOC: kiss on cheek

KOL: kiss on lips

KOTC: kiss on the cheek

KWIM: know what I mean?

L8R: later

LD: later, dude

LDR: long distance relationship

LLTA: lots and lots of thunderous applause

LMIRL: let’s meet in real life

LMSO: laughing my socks off

LOL: laughing out loud

LSHMBB: laughing so hard my belly is bouncing

LTM: laugh to myself

LTNS: long time no see

LTR: long-term relationship

LULAB: love you like a brother

LULAS: love you like a sister

LUWAMH: love you with all my heart

LY: love you

M/F: male or female?

MOSS: member of same sex

MOTOS: member of the opposite sex

MSG: message

MTF: more to follow

MUSM: miss you so much

NADT: not a darn thing

NIFOC: naked in front of computer

NP: no problem

NRN: no reply necessary

OIC: oh I see

OLL: online love

OM: old man

OTF: off the floor

OTOH: on the other hand

OTTOMH: off the top of my head

P2P: peer to peer

P911: my parents are coming!

PAW: parents are watching

PDA: public display of affection

PEBCAK: problem exists between chair and keyboard

PLZ: please

PM: private message

PMFJIB: pardon me for jumping in but

POAHF: put on a happy face

POS: parent over shoulder

QT: cute

RL: real life

ROTFL: rolling on the floor laughing

RPG: role playing games

RSN: real soon now

S4L: spam for life

SAW: sibling are watching

SETE: smiling ear to ear

SHCOON: shoot hot coffer out of nose

SHID: slaps head in disgust

SF: suffer friendly

SNERT: snot nosed egotistical rude teenager

SO: significant other

SOMY: sick of me yet?

SOT: short of time

STW: search the web

SWAK: sealed with a kiss

SWL: screaming with laughter

SYS: see you soon

TA: Thank again

TAW: teacher are watching

TCOB: taking care of business

TCOY: take care of yourself

TIA: thanks in advance

TILII: tell it like it is

TMI: too much information

TOS: teacher over shoulder

TOY: thinking of you

TTYL: talk to you later

UW: you’re welcome

WB: way back

WFM: works for me

WIBNI: wouldn’t it be nice if

WTG: way to go

WTGP: want to go private?

WU: what’s up

WUF: where are you from?

YBS: you’ll be sorry

YL: young lady

YM: young man


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谢谢高高的好文。 -野花花- 给 野花花 发送悄悄话 野花花 的博客首页 (37 bytes) () 12/31/2006 postreply 14:31:18
