the primary flaw in the lie called feminism

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East of Sheol
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2019-04-24 11:49:58
Hedonism has become the basis of the Western society. Most people look to be entertained in some fashion music, drunkenness, movies, sex, tv, porn, toys, clothes, sports, etc. to keep their minds occupied withthings that have no long term benefit. Wonder why the suicide rate seems to be so high in this country especially white males? I think it all has to do with treating life as a game of trivial pursuits. I could also go into a dissertation about the 7 deadly sins and how they are manifested and become core values in the culture of today. A society that promotes psychological and moral poisons will always eventually kill itself off.

It used to be the Church was instrumental in instilling values that would help people to counter such evils. Now the core foundation of Christendom itself has succumbed to the evils it once railed against. Where is the true standard banner of virtue? True virtue has become an obsolete term that has become the object of scorn and ridicule. The burning of the Notre Dame was perhaps a symbol. Many talk about rebuilding the structure. It will be nothing more than an empty symbol unless hearts and minds change in Western society.

Yet the actual rational mind of most adults really havent fully formed till about the age of 25 (if you actually believe academics). Yet we send our kids to these damned indoctrination centers called schools and universities. I can honestly say my core fundamental beliefs in right and wrong were formed by the time I was 6. 

Lets start with women....

Girls just want to have fun right? Talk about shirking any responsibility and the expectation of being entertained. Shheessh...

I think one of the biggest issues is that most women simply do not know what they want. A fundamental lack of understanding between healthy and unhealthy behaviors exist. Many cant distinguish a true and healthy need from some wanton desire.

The wanton desires promoted by academics, politicians, and advertisers are always fleeting. Any wonder why most adverts are directed toward women to making some decision? Then they have to look for the next big thing to get that dopamine hit at some price to be that girl. Oft times it is the husband/boyfriend providing those funds for appeasement. They must keep up with the Jones to avoid the wrath of the wife/girlfriend.

In the end it is little more than short lived bragging rights but the financial consequences and debt slavery are always there. Greed and covetousness is what drives this mindset. Decisions based on emotions especially envy - seldom are a good thing especially when the basis of that emotion is to simply feel better by buying happiness. Such happiness is fleeting and watch out for the buyers remorse.

So what is it that she needs to trade up for happiness the car, the kitchen, the house, the boyfriend, the husband? No distinction is made between objects and persons for the harm caused. The programming has created a generation of cultural narcissists with the ever screaming mantra of ME! and SERVE ME!
Then we have big daddy government now serving as the proxy husband for many of these single women especially those with kids. Sugar daddy government simply gives and these women have no true accountability for their bad decisions. These women become a voting block for politicians that use them.

Empowerment is taking responsibility for your own decisions and living up to the consequences of those decisions on your own. This is the primary flaw in the lie called feminism that always expect special treatment especially single moms. 

Words used to mean things and we label things for a reason. The term ***** had real meaning and once branded with such a word by actions no decent man would come near such a woman. Now these women wish to pretend they are liberated. They are too stupid to see the chains they have forged for themselves. 

About the men....

Then we have generations of men that seem to lack any type of rational impulse control for violence or sex. Men of quality are missing from their lives. Most are surrounded by the estrogen sea and the majority of their interactions are primarily with women. Put this lack of control and place it later with money or power then you are almost assuredly going to witness a truly dispicable human being. I see a sociopath in the making.

Fathers it seems are generally the ones that set boundaries. Yet with this servile generation of man simps that have come along due to lack of decent male role models they become totally clueless how to govern or interact with kids in setting boundaries.

Academics have used their position to destroy the basis of the nuclear family and consequently extended family which in the end brings an end to a highly functional society. If parents can produce at least 2 kids they cant replace themselves. 
With all the debt slavery going on since the 60s both parents are out of the house and the kids get dumped into some day care center. Now the bankers and politicians want to import more debt slaves through illegal immigrants. This has nothing to do with the welfare of the country as a whole only finding other people to enslave that will breed like rabbits to expand such debt slavery. 

I find this expansion in human population quite contridictory considering most leftist already believe the world is overpopulated. What they are really saying is that it is overpopulated with WHITE people.

Then we have this BS about romantic love where a man must somehow indenture himself to a woman in order to gain her affections. The fool will soon find himself penniless as his fickle lady decides to trade up. 

Perhaps the worse is the American court system that seems to ALWAYS assume the worst about fathers while treating women as some paragon of virtue. Honestly in todays world with such imbalances in the laws why should any man get married or even want to have kids? Kids that can alter be used as a weapon. Marriage was suppossed to be a contract between two people. Without fair laws and consequences women get to abandon their side of the contract.

Its time to stop interferring with the consquences of stupid and let nature takes its course.


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