If I were the mother, I'd say to him

来源: One1618 2019-03-26 07:16:28 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (819 bytes)
回答: 一个15岁男孩的家教kankanwo2019-03-24 14:25:22


"Son, thank you for the fish.  I'll enjoy it even more knowing that you were thinking of me while having a good time there.

Next time you are in this situation, think more about your responsibility as a guest.  Your presence should enrich the experience of your friend and the host family, just as their invitation enriched yours.  Show that you are having a good time, and your happiness will brighten their day.

We may be poorer material-wise, but in spirit, we are equal.  They are very generous, not because they are rich, but because they have a generous spirit.

When you are there, you represent yourself.  Focus on what you need to do.  I know I am always in your heart, even without the fish."


孩子是好孩子,但是作为父母要培养孩子的男子汉气概,不要让孩子太拘泥在一些鸡零狗碎上,孩子以后会走地更远 -风轻轻地叹zh- 给 风轻轻地叹zh 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/27/2019 postreply 17:54:12



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