
来源: welovegod 2017-04-01 06:57:47 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1404 bytes)
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回答: 哈佛,耶鲁,MIT可以吗?小团圆2017-04-01 06:53:44

哈佛,耶鲁Restrictive Early Action is a non-binding early application option for students who have completed a thorough college search and are confident 哈佛,耶鲁is their first choice. Admission decisions are released by December 15, and admitted students have until May 1 to respond to their offer。 you may also apply at the same time to any public college/university or to foreign universities but you are restricted from applying to other private universities’ Early Action and Early Decision programs.

mit 可以EA (MIT Early Action is an option for all applicants, domestic and international. Our Early Action isn't single-choice, binding, or anything like that. If you choose to apply to MIT during Early Action, we do not place any limits on where else you may apply, nor do we require you to attend if admitted (though we sure hope you do!)

However: if you apply to another school during Early Action that does have a restriction, MIT requires that you respect those rules. So for example, if you apply to another school that is "single choice" - meaning that you can only apply there during the early period - you may not simultaneously apply to MIT. But that's just good manners. )


EA完后RD允许,即使EA成功RD没问题。 -welovegod- 给 welovegod 发送悄悄话 welovegod 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 04/01/2017 postreply 07:08:46

