
来源: 弓尒 2018-06-07 16:49:28 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (13672 bytes)
回答: 【茱萸】弓尒2018-05-30 17:41:37


  1. 核桃仁含有较多的蛋白质及人体营养必需的不饱和脂肪酸,这些成分皆为大脑组织细胞代谢的重要物质,能滋养脑细胞,增强脑功能;
  2. 核桃仁有防止动脉硬化,降低胆固醇的作用;此外,核桃还可用于治疗非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病;核桃对癌症患者还有镇痛,提升白细胞及保护肝脏等作用;
  3. 核桃仁含有的大量维生素E,经常食用有润肌肤、乌须发的作用,可以令皮肤滋润光滑,富于弹性;
  4. 当感到疲劳时,嚼些核桃仁,有缓解疲劳和压力的作用。 [5] 
  5. 但是……谁让它好吃又营养啊!!!度娘说,小核桃具有较多蛋白质及人体必须的不饱和脂肪酸,这些成分皆为大脑组织细胞代谢的重要物质,能滋养脑细胞,增强脑功能;
  6. 美国山核桃,又名薄壳山核桃、碧根果、长山核桃,原产美国南部,国内有引种,壳薄味美,也是高档坚果。
  7. 山核桃(Carya cathayensis Sarg.),又名小核桃、山蟹 (浙江), 核桃、野漆树 (安徽)。
  8. Difference Between Pecans and Walnuts

    Pecans vs Walnuts

    Pecans and walnuts are nuts that are basically different in their shape, taste, and health benefits.

    Walnuts are larger and broader when compared to pecans. There is also a difference in the taste with the walnuts having a sweeter taste than the pecans. Walnuts are more widely used for cooking than pecans. In cost also, walnuts are more highly priced than pecans.

    Both pecans and walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. However, walnuts contain more omega-3 fatty acids than pecans. Walnuts also contain monounsaturated fat which is considered good for cardiovascular issues. When compared to walnuts, pecans are rich in Vitamin E which is an antioxidant.

    Now let us compare the nutritional value of walnuts and pecans. One cup of walnuts contains 18 grams of protein, 765 calories, and 8 grams of dietary fiber. They are also rich in fat that amounts to 76 grams. Walnuts are known sources of B6. One cup of walnuts contains about 0.6 milligrams of B6. It also adds 20 percent of thiamine and folate to the daily intake. Besides, walnuts also contain a large amount of minerals.

    One cup of pecans contains 10 grams of protein that adds up to 20 percent of the daily intake of calories. Pecans have a higher dietary fiber content than walnuts with 10 grams and also are rich with 753 calories. They have total fat of 78 grams. When compared to one cup of walnuts, one cup of pecans have only 0.2 milligram of B6. But pecans are richer than walnuts in thiamine content that adds up to 48 per cent of the daily value. Just like walnuts, pecans are also rich in minerals.


    1.Walnuts are larger and broader when compared to pecans.
    2.Walnuts have a sweeter taste than pecans.
    3.Walnuts are more highly priced than pecans.
    4.Walnuts contain more omega-3 fatty acids than pecans. They also contain monounsaturated fat which is considered good for cardiovascular issues.
    5.One cup of walnuts contains 18 grams of protein, 765 calories, and 8 grams of dietary fiber.
    6.One cup of pecans contains 10 grams of protein that adds up to 20 percent of the daily intake of calories. Pecans have a higher dietary fiber content than walnuts with 10 grams and are also rich with 753 calories.
    7.One cup of walnuts contains about 0.6 milligrams of B6. It also adds 20 percent of thiamin and folate to the daily intake. One cup of pecans has only 0.2 milligram of B6. But pecans are richer than walnuts in thiamin content that adds to 48 per cent of the daily value.

    Read more: Difference Between Pecans and Walnuts | Difference Between http://www.differencebetween.net/object/comparisons-of-food-items/difference-between-pecans-and-walnuts/#ixzz5HmpPjtDl

