
来源: 柠檬椰子汁 2016-01-18 11:25:36 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (872 bytes)

讲共党如何在藏区(ethnic tibet) 盲动导致西藏(political tibet) 叛乱。

 many of the PLA's battle-hardened commanders in Tibet found it difficult to show respect for the feudal elites and sit by and leave the old system intact. There was strong feeling among the key Chinese generals in Tibet that allowing serfdom to continue was intolerable and that land reforms should begin. Plans were actually made to begin such reforms in 1956 although they were never implemented due to intervention by Mao Zedung.   
Such feelings were particularly strong in "ethnographic Tibet" where they were acted upon in 1955-56 at the time of the "socialist transformation of agriculture" campaign.



那些藏区民国时期就不是西藏,17条协议不包括这些藏区。 -加州老李- 给 加州老李 发送悄悄话 加州老李 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/18/2016 postreply 11:28:35

啥意思?藏区就可打倒和尚寺庙?好比说杀印尼华人不是杀华人? -柠檬椰子汁- 给 柠檬椰子汁 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/18/2016 postreply 11:32:56

17条协议规定不改变西藏原有的制度,也就是说不在西藏搞土改。 -加州老李- 给 加州老李 发送悄悄话 加州老李 的博客首页 (165 bytes) () 01/18/2016 postreply 11:39:21

再比喻,藏区和西藏,好比香港和台湾 -柠檬椰子汁- 给 柠檬椰子汁 发送悄悄话 (200 bytes) () 01/18/2016 postreply 12:00:06

香港、台湾都是法治社会,跟当时的西藏无可比性。Goldstein的文章也没这个意思,他明白无误地指出,达赖喇嘛当时赞成渐进改革, -加州老李- 给 加州老李 发送悄悄话 加州老李 的博客首页 (185 bytes) () 01/18/2016 postreply 15:01:38

印尼华人是土生土长的印尼人,就像南非白人是土生土长的南非人。 -加州老李- 给 加州老李 发送悄悄话 加州老李 的博客首页 (125 bytes) () 01/18/2016 postreply 11:50:20

一点没断章取义,这是Goldstein的结论: -加州老李- 给 加州老李 发送悄悄话 加州老李 的博客首页 (151 bytes) () 01/18/2016 postreply 14:32:12



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