Yes, but you have to wait.

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A farmer in Orange county bought a piece of land for $6,000 in 1960 and sold the land for $90M to Disney in 2000.  This piece of land is just across from Orange County Convention Center.  If you can find this deal, then you will be rich.  By the time of sale, the farmer has passed away, his children collected that $90M.


被迪斯尼看中,跟中彩票没大区别。 -守月- 给 守月 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/18/2017 postreply 18:23:46

就是! -hhtt- 给 hhtt 发送悄悄话 hhtt 的博客首页 (805 bytes) () 10/18/2017 postreply 18:46:02
