想长远打算--医学院的不管多贵,都会帮孩子付了。Washington S. medical school vs. Harvard

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 Re: 申请大学奖学金



Washington State medical school vs. Harvard medical school

My 2nd daughter recently had a conversation with a Chief Epidemiologist from National Cancer Institute. She over emphasized that it's not about the prestige of the school, it's what you do with yourself. Over her 30-year career as a professor at Johns Hopkins and a Chief at NCI, she had to hire many young doctors. She would hire a Washington State med school graduate over Harvard med school graduate any day. She knows despite the good name, the Harvard med school professors are selfish, not caring about the students' training as much as they should...

The bottom line --- to stand out, you have to go extra mile. Take as many math courses as you can. 

That is a shocking statement to my daughter.

freefromkarma is a wishful thinking

