Book: Where Reasons End by Yiyun Li

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I strongly recommend this book to parents, as a parent, as a Chinese parent, as a parent with a child demanding perfection and precision from herself.

This is one of the few books that I finished reading from cover to cover without skipping a single line. 

I know many Chinese parents send  kids to the Iowa Writers' Workshop, or Iowa Writers' Workshp has come up several times in this forum, the auther, Yiyun Li is a graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop.

As the book cover sleeve reads" Written with originality, precision and poise, Where Reasons End is suffused with intimacy, inescapable pain, and fierce love".  

I couldn't unread the following dialogue about suffering:

The mother: you suffer more because you insist on being bright and sharp.

The child: I suffer more because you want to do the world does, to dim the bright and to blunt the sharp.


As 2022 approaches, I resolve to read all of her books, (I know it will fail, at least, I will read some more).




