
来源: seaborn 2018-11-05 16:03:31 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (3560 bytes)
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老师快人快语很有个性,上来就说IB是不同的要求和打分系统,如果你们期待孩子考满分7分 (大致相当百分制的96),请离开这间屋子,带你们的孩子去 Regular Class,那里可以得高分,这里没人能得7分,得5分(相当于80多分)就很不错了。学IB就是相当于读大学预科或是大学低年级。全面发展,渴望知识又很勤快的人才来这里,知识没有止境,想得满分的不用来IB浪费时间。来了就得按要求做,不按时交作业0分,上实验课之前没有做好准备工作0分,I don't have time to waste for lazy students.


孩子们听到别人谁考98  99的没觉得怎样,他们见了不少外校的尖子们进来都跟不上及不了格的。

IB 只有11和12年级两年。Pre IB 的说法IB机构好像是不认同的。我校10年级的IB准备班原来叫Pre IB, 后来因为法律缘故不得已也改了名字。也听说过不少8,9年纪的Pre IB 甚至小学也有IB的,估计可能是按照IB通才理念办的学,但严格的说这些都不是IB。

学校和学校不同,我们是老IB学校,给分低很出名。不知别的学校IB班是否会好点。家长引导孩子上IB学校要慎重,IB班很难得高分,在升学时是不利的。IB班给其他同校学生也会带来压力,下面是网上一个Regular Class的学生家长对我校的评论,可见一斑。

if your child is struggling academics, do not send him/her here. the ib program sets the bar high because many times its the same ib teachers teaching normal subjects. your child will also be discouraged by some teachers/favouring the very athletic children. fun school, but very condescending teachers. all the white children get A's and B's and smoke cigars and maryJ, while all the normal/below average kids are left there wondering what their parents meant when they told them "doing drugs means you do bad in school" .

A lot of parents make the mistake of sending their struggling/below average students to this school because they believe it is the school that will make the students better due to its high reputation. That is a myth.

Very fun but very discouraging school.
Please look at all the schools and then pick your choices.
VERY packed school as well. Make sure you find ways to strengthen ur child's self esteem/self worth before sending.
Looks, and having your name said in the announcements, all matters a lot. Do not pressure ur child just because you want a good reputation in front of your other friend/families.

If your child is in the french immersion though, Ive heard nothing but good things. french immersion program is good. good job to the french immersion teachers for being such good compassionate people to the students.

(我没什么倾向性,合适孩子的学校就是最好的学校, 仅供参考)


你在加拿大? -laoyangdelp- 给 laoyangdelp 发送悄悄话 laoyangdelp 的博客首页 (38 bytes) () 11/05/2018 postreply 16:23:50

Yes -seaborn- 给 seaborn 发送悄悄话 seaborn 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/05/2018 postreply 16:31:03

赞!谢谢好分享!-:) -有言- 给 有言 发送悄悄话 有言 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/05/2018 postreply 16:32:25

需要从7年级开始就有这样严格的老师教 -tgmomtobe- 给 tgmomtobe 发送悄悄话 (271 bytes) () 11/05/2018 postreply 16:44:16

孩子的头脑成长过程不同,对于发展快的孩子,早知道水准在哪儿是有益的 -seaborn- 给 seaborn 发送悄悄话 seaborn 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/05/2018 postreply 18:27:12



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