CS妙杀GS:去Goldman Sachs要比进Google容易十倍

来源: 2z 2015-04-11 22:28:13 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (6460 bytes)

It’s 10 times easier to get a job at Goldman Sachs than at Google

Goldman Sachs在刚发布的年度致股东信中吹嘘,去年招聘的8300个职位共收到27万份求职申请,录取率仅为3%。 这个录取率让高盛比哈佛更为挑剔。不过,相比于谷歌等科技公司,入职高盛还是非常的容易。谷歌去年招聘了7000个职位,共收到求职申请300万份。


  2013年,只有约10%的麻省理工本科生进入金融业工作,远低于2006年31%的比例。不仅仅是大学毕业生,就连摩根士丹利的老将、华尔街最强大的女人Ruth Porat都于近期加入谷歌,担任首席财务官。

  在某种程度上来说,这显示出了银行业的工作有多么无聊。高盛首席执行官Lloyd Blankfein表示,银行业开始避开风险资产和杠杆,这让银行的业务变得更为稳健,但同时限制了上涨空间。


  不过,这显然没有影响到Blankfein。他连续第三年成为美国大型投行中收入最高的CEO。Blankfein去年的收入上涨了7%,至 3100 万美元,高于摩根士丹利CEO James Gorman 2250万美元的收入,也高于摩根大通CEO Jamie Dimon 2000万美元的收入。


Goldman Sachs just released its annual letter to shareholders, in which it bragged about receiving 270,000 job applications last year for 8,300 positions, translating into a 3% acceptance rate.

While that rate makes Goldman more selective than top US universities like Harvard and Yale, the odds of getting a job at the vaunted investment bank are still a lot higher than at big tech companies like Google, which hires only 7,000 out of 3 million yearly applicants.

Of course, we’re comparing two different industries with vastly different needs for talent. But the discrepancy highlights the intensifying fight for top talent between Wall Street and Silicon Valley, the latter of which has been snapping up some of the most sought-after executives and bright college graduates.

Only about 10% of undergraduate students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology went into finance in 2013, compared with the 31% that took jobs on Wall Street in 2006, according to a March New York Times article about how Ruth Porat, Wall Street’s most powerful woman, was leaving her post as chief financial officer of Morgan Stanley to join Google.

In part, the talent slowdown is a result of how boring banks have become—a point Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein hammered home in his letter with a series of charts showing how the bank has shed risky assets and leverage, and increased the capital it holds on its balance sheet. It all makes for a safer business, but also limits the upside.

Seven years after the global financial crisis began, banks are still constrained by a boatload of bruised businesses and regulation. For Goldman, that’s meant flat-lined revenue and, more importantly for potential new hires, compensation levels that haven’t increased in years.

But that didn’t seem to stop Blankfein himself from becoming the highest-paid CEO among his peers at the biggest US banks for the third consecutive year.

Blankfein’s total pay package rose 7% last year to $31 million, compared with the $22.5 million in total compensation for Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman and $20 million for JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon.

来源:应届生,大学生, 研究生信息交流群组 » 主题: 去Goldman Sachs要比进Google容易十倍


申请GS的比谷歌少也因为都知道难一般不是顶尖名校有关专业的都不去申请。谷歌好,难进是肯定的,我朋友女儿 -家里的丫环- 给 家里的丫环 发送悄悄话 (319 bytes) () 04/11/2015 postreply 23:52:04

it is so boring to compare these two totally different companies -jacket_wxc- 给 jacket_wxc 发送悄悄话 (69 bytes) () 04/12/2015 postreply 00:05:53

GS招的8300个职位,许多都是打杂的,给Googler提鞋人都不要 -2z- 给 2z 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/12/2015 postreply 16:06:39

进GS前台,比进Google难多了,尤其对于小中男,有木有? -yasas- 给 yasas 发送悄悄话 (41 bytes) () 04/12/2015 postreply 02:30:51

春江水暖鸭先知。十个GS也不换一个Google -qtwen- 给 qtwen 发送悄悄话 (473 bytes) () 04/12/2015 postreply 05:45:17

格局,眼光!google 是GS扶着上市的吧。 -jacket_wxc- 给 jacket_wxc 发送悄悄话 (151 bytes) () 04/12/2015 postreply 07:09:21

+1 -weston- 给 weston 发送悄悄话 weston 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 04/12/2015 postreply 07:27:22

那么好的眼光,为什么哭着要政府/纳税人Bailout? -qtwen- 给 qtwen 发送悄悄话 (122 bytes) () 04/12/2015 postreply 07:31:39

取舍之间,就看出格局眼光了! -jacket_wxc- 给 jacket_wxc 发送悄悄话 (133 bytes) () 04/12/2015 postreply 07:42:36

呵呵。先不讨论要不要救,而是GS如此有眼光为什么却要别人Bailout? -qtwen- 给 qtwen 发送悄悄话 (71 bytes) () 04/12/2015 postreply 07:44:27

Bailout就是有眼光的选择 -jacket_wxc- 给 jacket_wxc 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/12/2015 postreply 07:52:25

Google上市和GS关系不大,GS只是几十个underwriters中的一个,不是lead underwriter -touji- 给 touji 发送悄悄话 (45 bytes) () 04/12/2015 postreply 09:32:59

Google 每年从San Jose State University招很多人,这些人进不了GS -renren168- 给 renren168 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/12/2015 postreply 06:50:14

整天比这个有意思吗? -renren168- 给 renren168 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/12/2015 postreply 06:52:15

也得看 pool的相关性. 如果众多印度人发个电邮hr@google 都算的话 比较难比了 -weston- 给 weston 发送悄悄话 weston 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 04/12/2015 postreply 07:33:52

据说google去年招了两万人,还那么难进呀? -Morning3evening4- 给 Morning3evening4 发送悄悄话 Morning3evening4 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 04/12/2015 postreply 08:06:26

真不知道作这种无聊比较的心态是什么。想证明自己那个行当好点儿?完全不同的Pool。 -乱打乒乓胡下棋- 给 乱打乒乓胡下棋 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/07/2015 postreply 14:35:15



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