KNDI 投资者们还是把吉利看成了雷锋叔叔

来源: finesse 2014-01-01 12:05:36 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1838 bytes)

瞧瞧你们说的, 可你们想过没有, 康迪为啥要找吉利合作? 还不是资金不足实力不够, 对不对?

你现在找人帮忙, 就要将来有回报, 连这种起码的道理还不懂?

吉利这几天也没坏消息。  要说到政府的补贴, 康迪就没有吗? 每政府补贴, 哪个电动车公司能活下去?

吉利在香港上市, 在美国只是“代办”, 没量正常。

还有, 这种电动车租车生意还是没法和租自行车或传统车相比, 因为现在的电动车没法快速充电(也没充电站), 很多跑在半路就没电了咋办?自行车和传统车没这个问题。

如果要靠电动车来取代汽油车, 那将是中国环境的灭顶之灾 ! --  电池产量需要几十倍几百倍增长,如此大批量的电池生产, 你自己想去吧,  这种灾难越早阻止越好。

10things said:


“For just $3.25 per hour, you can rent one of the Kandi cars. They are built in partnership with Geely, best known in the west as the company that bought Volvo.”

Geely is also a major beneficiary of Chinese government subsidies. As a percentage of revenue, Geely gets more subsidies than any other automaker (about 4% of sales), and subsidies have made up as much as 40% of pre-tax profits in recent years. About 80% of these subsidies are tied to R&D or tax refunds, but investors need to recognize at least the risk that China will reduce or cease these payments at some point in the future.


只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯 -财富001- 给 财富001 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/01/2014 postreply 12:18:36

呵呵,被你拉出来当典型了 -10things- 给 10things 发送悄悄话 (30 bytes) () 01/01/2014 postreply 16:00:45



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