The World

来源: 整全的教育 2013-05-02 17:24:40 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (20555 bytes)

The World

By Hannah Si


As I stop by a path to take a stroll,

            The soft rustling of leaves calms my soul.

Birds singing gaily and creatures at rest;

            All of nature is living at its best.

Then arise villages, cites, and towns,

            As cultures and civilizations come up and down.

While I keep walking, everything thrives,

            But then there are wars between nations and tribes.

Though some people around me cry with sorrow,

            Poor, hungry, thinking, “Will I see tomorrow?”,

Others take for granted their lives of ease.

            Oh, will this poverty-difference every cease?

But nature, I say, will have to stay.

            Then at that moment the trees start to sway.

The seasons repeat: winter, spring, summer, fall;

            But each time they’re warmer, ‘til there’s no winter at all.

Further down the path, all is synthetic,

            Technology is life, and life is pathetic.

Where is the peace that was here in the start?

            I truly mourn for the world from the bottom of my heart.


  • The World
  • 整全的教育(六)
  • 女儿的第一首“中文诗”
  • 整全的教育(五)
  • 整全的教育(四)
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