I don't want to be an alarmist. 但是看到医院里那么多

来源: 2008-12-17 08:33:14 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
医生,护士戴着画的笑脸,俺很惊讶!俺从医院回到家后,stood still, running the situation through a mental database and trying to understand it.

他们中的很多人都facing an energy deficit! (除了一群群春风得意的医学院学生有说有笑的从走廊里走过外。)

俺家正主说:当岛可特应该把工作和个人生活分开。那为啥她回家后在饭桌上常给俺讲当天医院发生的事呢?好消息使俺感动,心情开阔。坏消息让康拜因在俺心田上挺进,茶饭无色无味。I wracked my brain and managed to come up with some answers. 至今无满意答复。俺想是不是正主故意告诉俺坏消息,目的是让俺少吃些,省点儿银两。I dismissed the thought even before it had fully formed.



窗外雪压枝头,室内温暖如春。今天该用什么方式迎接娃回家呢?I blinked rapidly. I flexed my hands and rolled my head in small circles as my mind supplied the answer to the question..........