饺子汤学校文化不好,权贵子弟多,club难进, 国内长大的孩子不容易融入。校友捐款率低,看reddit上的评价一言难尽。

来源: 2024-04-11 06:41:02 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

1 - lowkey an extension of competitive public schools. i know tons of people who attend (family members, friends, debat*rs) and the vibe is very much whoring yourself out for internships, networking opportunities, anything that'll look good on a resume. i know someone who went there who referred to making friends as "networking". fake, backstabbing, sickly sweet sense of community. there's a reason why Georgetown is ranked #74 for alumni giveback rates, behind basically every other T30 institution - is the Georgetown network really gonna have your back when they're so clearly apathetic about their school?

2 - toxic club culture. so you're telling me that clubs at Georgetown literally have lower acceptance rates than the school itself? granted, most of the competitive clubs are pre professional networking clubs, but with sub 5% acceptance rates, the majority of the school is shut out of important opportunities. like if you go to r/georgetown rn and search up "clubs", you'll find tons of posts that are like "damn, I can't believe i went 0/6 for my club applications". wtf ??? also, social life revolves around clubs! if you're not ingrained into any clubs you won't have fun, which i think is dumb! but that's my personal take.

i got in and turned it down so here’s all the terrible things that went into that decision:

  • preppy 

  • one of the schools with the highest average income

  • people are elitists and very pretentious (i.e. clubs are extremely hard to get into and everything just has a culture of exclusion rather than inclusion).

  • have to take theology courses (not necessarily christian but still might not be your thing).

  • expensive and gives terrible aid because of their low endowment

  • rats

  • bad food

  • bad dorms

  • expensive neighborhood that makes doing anything off campus very pricey

  • far from the metro station