My son was in a 80% africa-america student 小学

来源: 2008-04-20 11:16:13 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
for first three years. He said the school is even better than the school with all white(from academic standard). We moved out this school because the rent increased a lot and he fought with other kids who said racies words. I don't think there is any difference between schools and what matter is student himself. Of cause my son is not good as your son, but I think if I did the same thing as you did for your son, my son would be in the same place as he is now. I choiced the public school what my son is in now is not about academic in this school(even there are a few students got perfect score in ACT and SAT test). I like it small size(500 students/year) and strong sport team which my son likes a lot. In this small public school my son even can't get in top. But I don't care as long as he is happy. Like my son said "life is too short and what you got to do is a lot". Actually IMSA will be a punishment for him because he is not work as hard as he should be since he can't play sport he loves in IMSA. He understood this and he did his best.