看来对春天里来百花开 的老公的观点下结论未免过早

来源: 2008-04-12 19:58:30 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
how to educate kids is a big issue for many parents, especially Chinese lived in America. 下面随便摘录了两段 感觉西方文化更加浓厚 从中得到启发

看来对春天里来百花开 的老公的观点下结论未免过早

我的总结大概是这样的 爬腾的计划是肯定的 但是也清醒的认识到 如果经济不允许
我会选择底一点的学校 不必在 under 上把自己压死 等到 ivy medical shool

Kids today are so spoiled! You can read it all over the CC site - "I worked hard in HS so I'm entitled to go to a $50k per year school. Fin aid is so unfair and my parents won't sacrifice their retirement to pay the extra $30k per year to go to school X".

Guess what kids? You were SUPPOSSED to work hard in HS! Just like college and when you get a real job. You don't get extra for doing what you are supposed to do. Life is not like that. Talk to the people that work hard every day to make ends meet only to be downsized. That is unfair, not this.

If you don't like the college your family can afford you have choices. Join the military - they will give you $ for school. Take a gap year or two and get a real job. You'll find out how hard it is to save $50k while paying your bills. Or go I school AND work a full-time job. Plenty of people have done it.

You have options. But they require real hard work rather than sticking your hand out to parents or the government and whining.

There are some kids on CC that know this and don't have this attitude. For the rest: welcome to the real world. It's a bumpy ride.
FAFSA and CSS are not all about what you make - a big factor is your parents' (and your) assets. My gross is about 60k. My take home is 40k. MY EFC for BOTH kids is $36k. Obviously I am not expected to pay for college out of my salary - I am expected to pay for it out of my assets. And I am good with that - have planned and expected to do it. Do I think my kids are entitled to a 50k education? Well, I am giving them alot toward it - butthey may need to take on a little of the burden too if that is really what they want. I will be scrimping to do what I can for them. In fact, I will probably look to downsize my house - both for practical reasons and for economic reasons. My kids do not view me as selfish in any way shape or form. They understand why I won't take money out of my IRA to fund their college - and they believe that the money I have set aside is MORE than generous. They understand that if they want that dream school, they may have to make some sacrifices too.

Sometimes the glass isn't half empty - its half full.

So schools are obscenely overpriced. Get over it. Deal with it. What can YOU do to help your personal situation with your parents - are you willing tomake some sacrifices too????