USC 飘了, 看看deferred的都是些什么人

来源: 2024-01-20 10:12:39 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


"My daughter was deferred. 5.0 weighted (all APs sophomore junior and senior ) 4.0 unweighted. 1 8AP’s. 34 ACT. All 5’s on AP’s. Holds two jobs - CEO of a tutoring company tutoring 3x week and a hosting job. 100’s of community service hours thanks to NCL. Handful of leadership and extracurricular activities involving dancing for the school and other leadership through the school."


"My son is similar. 4.0 UW GPA, NMSF, 1550 SAT, top 3% of class (excellent private school), 9 AP classes (4/5s on all so far), YYGS, US Senate Page Program, 2 national political fellowships, published research project in public policy, Mock Trial Captain, multiple honor societies including president of NEHS, founded Teen Literacy nonprofit. Still deferred. Discouraged."