
来源: 2007-12-30 22:18:29 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
LITTLES! Ages 3 to 5 Years

Class Deions

* 30 minute classes
* Hesitant children may sit and observe until they are ready to participate or contact a manager for assistance

Little 1
This class is for inexperienced and/or cautious children. Children learn water adjustment skills, voluntary submersion of their face to their ears for 5 seconds, 6 times, independent movement with a noodle and face in water and back float with a noodle for 1 minute. Max. Ratio 3:1
Little 2
For children who can move independently with their face in the water while on a noodle. Children learn to enter water, turn and swim back to wall with float and to back float with light touch 10 feet, 6 times; to flap their wings while on their back and to swim on their stomach, 10 feet, 6 times. Max. Ratio 4:1
Little 3

This class is for children who can swim on their stomach with tiger paddle with face in and flap wings on back with light touch, each 10 feet, 6 times. Children learn to swim on their stomach with flip breaths, 15 feet, 6 times; back float while flapping their wings for 15 feet, 6 times; and independent back float for 1 minute. Max. Ratio 4:1
Little 4
For children who can swim on stomach without floatation and flap wings on back for 15 feet, 6 times each. Children learn to swim on their stomach with 3 flip breaths, 20 feet, 6 times; to swim on their back with arms, 20 feet, 6 times, and underwater swimming. Max. Ratio 4:1