You are his mother, not his equal.

来源: 2023-01-11 08:11:00 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Act like a mother, not a sister or friend. That's your responsibility.

The manner, with which he talks to you, is all wrong! Do not tolerate it. He must speak to you with respect, in a respectful tone, use respectful words.

If the father is not always present, you have to play his role, not easy.

Talking about Heaven and Hell, have him read the Bible, children's version that fits his reading level. Ask him what the Ten Commandments says about honoring father and mother.

Remind him to contribute to the family, by helping you around the home and doing chores. Don't do it for him if he can do it for himself. Give him a chance to experience life's difficulties so that he can develop a capacity of empathy for others. By having him help you, you tell him he needs to help you. This sense of responsibility on his part will get him to visit in your old age.

What you don't want is, ten or twenty year later, a son, who may be smart and successful, but ungrateful, disrespectful and indifferent toward you, because he had not been taught about moral values.

Table manner needs to be taught. YouTube provides material. He wants to be respected? Act respectfully. 

Don't build your life solely around him. Have your own life.