One could only apply for 5 medical schools for a spot if

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S/He is able to satisfy:

1) from Ivies plus 12

2) sGPA>3.92

3) MCAT>522 (ONE shot: CAR at least 130)

4) significant achievement(s) on hypothesis driven biomedical research

5) substantial evidences showing passions on medicine and leaderships

6) excellent communication skills with different people 

7) stellar LoRs especially the committee letter from the school attended, in addition to, for MD PhD LoRs from mentor(s)

8) meticulous application package 

Apply for:

1: 3 of top 5: H JHU PENN S Columbia (very likely to almost certainly get in at least one)

2: 1 Resident state public medical school (admitted)

3: 1 average private medical school (admitted)

Again, the medical schools admissions is highly fair and merit based compared to all other undergraduate and graduate admissions