Intelligence vs wisdom

来源: 2022-10-24 12:53:12 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

He certainly has a lot of one, but lacks the other. He is still young, there's plent of time to learn.

Children's version of the Bible, one that fits his reading level.

Founding father's' biography, their writings: Ben Franklin, Thomas Paine, etc.

The Revolutionary War, the French and Indian War, what led up to them, and aftermath.

The Constitution and the Federalist Papers.

Recite all the famous speeches. Recite all the verses of the National anthem. Give a toast.

Ancient Greece, all the gods, philosophers. Ancient Rome, Cicero, Cato.

So much to learn...

Less STEM, more liberal arts topics.


Ask him often: How do you value yourself? When you compete, what value do you bring to the game and the other players. Why are they in the game? When you lose, what is your worth in your own eyes?

His sense of the "self" is the issue. He needs to develop his self-worth that is independent of others.

Teach him about boundaries, where he starts, where he ends, and where others start and end.