
来源: 2021-02-08 19:32:29 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


1)S, 石沉大海。给教练的Email没有回音。有次比赛看到S的recruit教练,想凑过去说两句。人家就给了标准的简册,名片就走了。
Thanks for your email and your interest in Harvard men’s volleyball. At this point we are not recruiting a 2019 setter with our support with admissions. If you decide to apply to Harvard next year and are accepted, please let me know. We do have athletes that join our program that we just cannot help with the admissions process.

If you are interested in our program and are planning on applying to Harvard, it would also be a good idea to come to our camp next summer. It would be a great way for us to get to know you as well as you getting to understand what our program is about. Let me know if you would be interested in that and I can keep you updated.
很明显,他的排球帮不上。不过我们还是傻傻去参加了他们summer camp,因此耽误了P的summer camp。

3. P,没指望。因为P是D1,主教练也是我们俱乐部出去的。好像是近水楼台,其实不然。P教练一直是美国青年队的助理教练,都从国青队招,基本都是加州的。class 2018(high school)我们俱乐部身高6‘6的主攻P没有招,最后H特招。不过recruit教练最初的回复还挺热情,他说他仔细看了录像,you did a great job and you are on our recruit list. 但是最后的时候,我收到了预料中的email:
    I just had an opportunity to sit down with the head Coach after 135 guys came through campus this past weekend for our volleyball camp and after reviewing all of the players who came to camp, in conjunction with the guys we watched at the last several tournaments, we have concluded that it looks unlikely that we will be able to support your application to admission this coming fall.  We only have two supports we can use this fall and with the strength of candidates we have interested at this point we don’t think we will be able to use one of the support letters for you.  We wanted to let you know this as soon as we were able to discern it so you can be aware of where you are from a recruiting perspective.

    That being said, we would still LOVE for you to apply to Princeton.  If you are able to get admitted to Princeton, we would LOVE to have you join our team!  I hope you will still consider applying to Princeton.
   ... (more about application process)

4. M, 单从排球的角度,是我们唯一的希望。因为M是D3,身高的要求相对没那么苛刻。在16岁参加全国赛的时候碰到当时M的教练,匆匆的给了一张名片就走了。我就让儿子给他发email寄了两个录像,分别是他U-16俱乐部和高中比赛的高光。结果教练很快就回了一份看起来让人兴奋的Email。但是过了好久就没下文了,我们再联系的时候他说他不再是男排的教练。然后让我们联系新的教练。一切都得从新开始,但新的教练一直没有回复他的Email。好的一方面是新的Assistant Coach也是我们俱乐部出去,跟儿子俱乐部的教练都很熟。赛季开始的第二个大赛,他们就专门看了几场我们的比赛,算是联系上了。看起来一切顺利,我们被邀请参加unofficial visit(就是自己出旅差费),后来看被特招的基本都是那次unofficial visit。会议基本精神,他会给AO一个support list,10个strong support,10 regular support。但是谁都不能保证被录取。对我们来说问题就来了,他会不会在strong support list上?于是乎到了最后的关头,和教练的约了电话,谈了一个多小时,双方的底牌没有摸清。教练说他在第11名:),但是有可能还会调整,希望我们EA M,而我门的想法是如果在前10就EA M, 否则就EA P。毕竟我们学校的valedictorian进P的几率远远大于M。我儿子就明说了。教练说的意思有个德州的小中是很好的Setter排在他前面,(但是他也不能保证人家要申请S,H,P)。最后教练说过几天再确定。那个德州的小中最后进了M,他的父母或许也在子坛。如果他们也能说一下当时的情况,我们就清楚了。过了两天教练说次序没变,让我们从自己的利益做决定。
