欢送魔鬼的2020,喜迎美好的2021, 一切从新开始。

来源: 2020-12-31 05:46:08 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Let us find for ourselves, for each other and for our communities at work and at home,  refreshed paths that strengthen us with our skills, enthusiasm, nurture,  wisdom and self-care extending to each other what we would have extended to us.  We Got This! 

在新的一年里,用我们的爱心,聪明,智慧,才能,关心我们的家人,朋友,同事,以及我们的社区。无忧坚信我们有这样崇高而又伟大的爱心,聪明,智慧,才能。让我们一起,欢送魔鬼的2020,喜迎美好的2021, 一切从新开始。