
来源: 2020-08-26 08:00:23 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


A team from MIT has developed a system that uses wireless radio signals to monitor a person’s movement and activities without the need to film them. Researchers from the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) suggest the system could help caregivers keep tabs on vulnerable people while maintaining their privacy.

RF-Diary can generate text descriptions of a person’s activities and interactions with objects. As such, it can provide updates about a loved one’s day-to-day life to those who live far away from home, which could give them peace of mind about a parent’s wellbeing.

The CSAIL team has already used the system in hospitals and assisted living facilities to monitor people for issues including Parkinson’s, dementia and COVID-19. The researchers have improved the system, which uses deep machine learning. It can identify activities, such as sleeping, reading, cooking and watching TV, and items like laptops. RF-Diary is accurate in classifying more than 30 household activities over 90 percent of the time, according to the researchers.

  • This should be posted on all articles dealing with "privacy." As others have posted here, this would allow people to know about the most intimate activities. You have no secrets, anymore. Moreover, you would have no idea anyone was watching you do whatever. Even literally going into the closet would not help. People worried about personal privacy should be screaming. Well, guess what. This kind of stuff has been possible with other technologies for years. Maybe the other tech could not create an online avatar to show you doing it, but there have been ways to detect your very private activities -- without you knowing it -- for decades. The ONLY reason you have any privacy at all is because your life is too boring for anyone to bother to watch. But there is nothing on TV right now, so why not shop for a good scanner on Amazon and see which neighbors are perverts? One of the benefits of technology is that you can know everything.
    We just cannot help ourselves. Our mum is in a care home, and the staff forgot to switch on the movement sensor that detects if the resident is trying to get out of bed, vital if they are immobile and require assistance. She fell and broke her hip, something that can (apparently) be fatal at her age, 84. Issue is, monitoring technology is a) Only any good if activated. b) No replacement for 24/7 company.
    "He is jerking off again"
    • I was going to say "She took a cylindrical object and it repeatedly appears and disappears". Technology is wasted on us.