
来源: 2020-06-06 09:22:51 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

We thank the scientific community for their commitment to data integrity and for pointing out opportunities to revise and clarify our paper.

  • Since original publication in The Lancet, we discovered that a hospital that joined the Surgisphere registry on April 1, 2020 (in between our quarterly audit periods) self-designated as belonging to the Australasia continental designation. In reviewing the data from each of the hospitals in the registry, we noted that this hospital should have more appropriately been assigned to the Asian continental designation. This hospital was properly reclassified in our database. The findings of the paper are unaffected by this update.
  • We found that in the original publication, one of our data tables of propensity score matched and weighted data, was being misinterpreting as raw data, which would, if raw, make the data appear overly homogeneous. While the data were accurate, we are providing The Lancet and updated table with unadjusted data to help resolve the confusion. There was no error in analysis, and none of the results of the paper are affected.