EA 和 ED 定义搞反了。可是上了首页的贴子无法编辑,非常抱歉。

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藤校 - Ivy league, 本义是常春藤联盟,子坛给细分了各种名校的等级。

大藤中藤小藤 - 这个比较复杂,容后分解。或者不解,这个比较动态。

T5 - Top 5 大学。 据说是 哈佛,耶鲁,普林斯顿, MIT,斯坦福。【凭记忆写的,不对请指正】

EC - Extra Curricular, 课外活动。就是比如体育类:高球,击剑,游泳,网球,音乐:钢琴,小提琴,黑管,打鼓,乐队,合唱团,交响乐团,音乐剧。其他:话剧,辩论,奥数,奥化 等等各种娃参加的课外活动。大部分人打酱油,小部分人做到高等足以此活动给申请大学加分。

三江体: 显摆。 


王尔烈笑道:“天下文章数三江,三江文章数吾乡,吾乡文章数吾弟,吾为吾弟改文章。” 举子们自愧不如。

SAT - Standardized Accessment Test. 高中生考的。此成绩大部分为大学参考录取学生的指标。 私人机构 College  Board 提供。 SAT 原来指 “Scholastic Aptitude Test” 现在指 “Scholastic Assessment Test.  Standardized Accessment Test 是维基上面抄的。

SAT II - 简单来说就是 SAT 2 比较专。https://blog.prepscholar.com/sat-1-vs-sat-2-whats-the-difference 

What’s the Difference Between the SAT 1 and the SAT 2?

Originally, the SAT I was meant to test aptitude and the SAT II was meant to test achievement. That is to say, one tested what you were capable of, and the other tested what you knew.

But when the College Board moved away from the idea of the SAT I testing innate ability, they reframed it as a reasoning test, making the difference between the two SATs less well defined.

With changes in 2016, the SAT I (now just the SAT) is more focused than ever on testing knowledge rather than logic. At this point, I'd say that the SAT tests general knowledge and the SAT Subject Tests assess topical knowledge.

There are also some key ways the two tests differ in structure. For one, although the questions on both tests are primarily multiple choice, SAT questions have four answer choices, while SAT Subject Test questions typically have five answer choices. This means that you'll have a slightly higher probability of guessing the correct answer on the SAT (25% chance) than you will on the SAT Subject Tests (20% chance).

In addition, SAT Subject Tests have a guessing penalty for incorrect answers, whereas the SAT does not (though it used to). Note that you neither gain nor lose points for questions left blank onboth tests. Here's how the guessing penalty works on the SAT II:

  • 1/4 point deducted for every incorrect five-choice question
  • 1/3 point deducted for every incorrect four-choice question
  • 1/2 point deducted for every incorrect three-choice question

Take a look at the chart below for a rundown of the basic differences between the two types of SAT tests in their current forms:

  SAT SAT Subject Tests
Other Names SAT 1, SAT I, SAT Reasoning Test SAT 2, SAT II, SAT Achievement Tests
Format 3 hr 50 min multiple-choice test (with one essay question) 1 hr multiple-choice test
Subject Matter Reading, Writing, Math 20 different topics (listed above)
Guessing Penalty? No Yes
Which Schools Require It? Almost all colleges Only some very selective colleges


ACT - American College Testing 和 SAT 差不多。其机构名称是 ACT.

AP - Advanced Placement. College Board 提供给高中生的考试。高中有AP课提供。学生可以自学通过AP考试。有些大学承认AP课程,由此可以跳过一些大学课程,直接拿更高级别的课。

搬桌子 - 此为某网友择婿标准,谓要身体壮健,能搬得动桌子。

EA - Early Action 早申请大学,一般是每年 11/1 日之前十一年级的学生递上大学申请。可以申请多个学校。 

ED - Early  Decision 一样是早申请大学。通常是早申请的第一志愿,有制约 binidng 申请了就得去。

以下是ED, EA 的区别说明:

