Ivy day 汇报

来源: 2019-03-28 19:18:37 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

东岸小中男, ea Princeton deferred. Rd apply all ivies and ivy like. 

Conell, Dartmouth, duke, UCb accepted. Princeton rejected ( 早申定位不准).

All the other ivies wait listed. Harvard ao called for interview at beginning of march.

Before ivy day

Caltech wait listed, MIT rejected.

Swarthmore, Williams, ucsd, ucla, UCSB (6000/year) USC (30k/year). State u full rider.

想学double major science+computer. 现在说想当教授。4月份要纠结了.申请前来这咨询过, 大家给了不少建议包括多申请几个试试运气.笑纳了. 明天还有一个 pure lottery.