再谈怎么跟小中娃解释Crazy Rich Asians - 电影的编剧导演自己怎么说麻将桌的那一幕

来源: 2018-08-22 09:46:05 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:



Wu and Yeoh both had very strong feelings about the scene and what each of their characters would communicate. Lim says that this scene, along with the dumpling scene, went through the most revisions, with both actresses equally unyielding. “Each one wanted to say very specific things and didn’t want the other one to run them over,” Chu says. “Michelle was like ‘I would never let this little American girl say these things to me, I need to say this, because I refuse to be a villain. And then when Constance read that version, she was like ‘Wait, I would not let her talk to me like this! I need to say these things, and defend my way of living!’ It was great, I ended up putting both parts together and creating this mish-mosh blend.”


“There’s a lot going on with that line,” says Peter Chiarelli, who co-wrote the screenplay with Lim. “First, I wanted to show that Rachel was unequivocally proud of who she was and where she came from. She’d been questioning herself throughout the film and I wanted there to be no doubt that she knows her own worth. Second, I wanted that line to rattle Eleanor and haunt her dreams. Rachel standing up for herself and proudly dropping a five-ton truth bomb was what I thought we needed to help wake Eleanor up to the fact that who your family is, or how much money you have, doesn’t determine your worth as a human being.”