Nothing more important than safety

来源: 2018-07-30 09:18:21 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

“Daddy, l got another accident. I am so sorry.” 

17 year old Meng Meng called No Worry 4:00pm, almost crying.  NW was so shocked, another one?

Just three weeks ago she damaged the front parts of the car while reversing, and costed $15K. We paid ourselves because we don’t want insurance premium increased.

When NW got home, meng meng apologized again “Daddy I am so sorry.”NW gave her a big hug saying “Don’t worry. it's not your fault.  accident happens.  I will show you how to park and reverse again when you get the car back. I am so happy you and your friends are not hurt .  But remember nothing is more important than safety whenever you are driving”

just got it as Christmas gift

now the second accident in one month cost us another $3.9K