现如今的专利申请和被批准已到了荒唐地步, 如苹果公司申请获批的"玻璃楼梯"专利

来源: 2018-05-23 15:35:40 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

The Craziest Patents by Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Google and More

From Apple's paper bag to IBM's Out of Office email system -- these companies go to great lengths to protect their ideas.



 8 min read

People and companies patent some of the craziest ideas, either to make sure no one else can create them first or to make some money later by eventually bringing a patent suit to trial.

In some cases, companies have been awarded some of the simplest trademarks. Apple was granted a patent for “bag” and Amazon took control of product shots in front of “white backgrounds.”

From some of the simplest ideas to the most complex, major tech brands go to great lengths to ensure their ideas are protected. Check out some of the craziest tech patents.



Image credit: USPTO

1. Delivery blimp

If you thought drone delivery was incredible, Amazon aims to take things a step further. The company has been awarded a patent for an “airborne fulfillment center” -- basically a blimp -- that will deploy drones to deliver packages to your door or even right in your hands at events such as football and soccer games. This airborne launching pad may help make for more effective drone deliveries because drones will be gliding rather than taking off and landing. They will also serve as drone charging stations between deliveries.

2. Search drone

In October 2016, the company patented a miniature, voice-controlled "unmanned aerial vehicle assistant" (essentially, a drone) that can help locate a lost child in a crowd. The patent says that the drone responds to voice commands such as “find Timmy,” which will trigger it to search for a lost child. On top of helping find lost children, the drone has a number of other uses, such as a hover command, which is said to help traffic cops record a vehicle’s make and model.

3. Underground deliveries

Amazon is not only looking to deliver in the air. The company filed a patent for an underground network of tunnels, conveyor belts and vacuum tubes to transport and deliver parcels and containers. The new system would increase delivery efficiencies and reduce road traffic, according to the patent.

4. Photos of products on white backgrounds

This one’s crazy because it’s so generic. In 2014, Amazon was awarded a patent to take photos of products in front of a white background. Although there was much uproar in the photography community about the trademark of such a basic technique, a closer look at the patent found that it involved certain lighting, setup and camera equipment.

5. Beehive-like drone delivery tower

To deliver packages in urban areas by drone, Amazon received a patent for beehive-like towers where packages can be stored, sorted and shipped out. The company envisions skyscraper buildings, where at the base delivery trucks can pick up and drop off items, and throughout the rest of the building are landing and take-off areas for drones.

6. Underwater storage facilities

Why store items on land when you can store them underwater? That’s what Amazon’s most recent thoughts are. A patent labeled “Aquatic Storage Facility” outlines a new method for storing items “in a body of liquid.” A cartridge is attached to each stored product, which can then be used to retrieve and send items to and from the storage facility.



Image credit: USPTO

1. Weather-triggered ads

Google -- which makes most of its money from ads -- filed a patent titled “Advertisements Based on Weather Conditions” in 2012. The technology would be able to detect a person’s weather conditions and generate appropriate advertisements. For example, if you’re in an extremely cold environment, you may receive ads for snow jackets or heating systems for your home.

2. Status comics

While GIFs and memes were on the rise, Google took it upon itself to get in on these visuals. In 2010, it filed a patent for a technology called “Self-Creation of Comic Strips in Social Networks and Other Communications,” which lets users create comic strips to post on their social media accounts. Basically, the technology lets users turn statuses, posts and even friends’ comments into colorful comic strips.

3. A tattoo to talk to your smartphone

In 2012, the company filed another a patent for another out-there tech tool -- “Coupling an Electronic Skin Tattoo to a Mobile Communication Device.” Basically, the company patented a digital, temporary throat tattoo that relays your voice to your smartphone. The tattoo includes a microphone and a power source.

4. A baseball cap with a mounted video camera

Looks like Google’s giving wearable tech another go. In February 2017, the company was granted a patent for a baseball cap with a removable video camera that is mounted on the brim. The new wearable would let users take photos and videos and stream to social networks. The camera would also be able to connect to a user’s smartphone through an app.

Similar to its failed Google Glass, a user of the cap will be able to hear his or her videos while wearing the hat through “bone conduction in the skull of the wearer.”



Image credit: USPTO

1. Glass staircases

From five-star hotels to fancy office buildings, glass staircases seem to be a pretty common architectural feature. But it turns out, Apple was awarded a design patent in 2003 for glass staircases, which are seen in a number of its major stores in cities such as New York and Paris. In 2013, the company was awarded yet another patent, this time for spiral glass staircases, which debuted at its Shanghai store.

2. Smart bike

In 2010, the company was already beginning to think about products beyond smartphones, tablets and laptops. Apple patented a smart bike, which utilizes a user’s iPhone and iPod, and features sensors that connect to speed, distance, time, heart rate, elevating, incline and more.

3. Apple bag

In 2016, the company filed yet another simple patent: “Bag.” That’s right, the title of the patent is literally “bag.” But what makes this paper bag different than any other paper bag? It’s 60 percent recyclable, Apple claims. Although this doesn’t sound impressive for such an innovative company, it turns out the real trick to it is how Apple plans to hold the bag together. Bags with such a high level of recycled material face the issue of being flimsy.
