
来源: 2017-12-29 18:01:21 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

不管是找工作,还是上大学,还是找媳妇,你不能只给一个公司发简历,就申请一个大学,就跟一个姑娘谈情说爱,肯定是多个公司,多个大学,多个姑娘,所以,当一个公司给了你一个很好的OFFER,一个大学给了你很好的奖学金,一个很好的姑娘要嫁给你时, 你应该及时的像其它你更喜欢的公司,大学,姑娘们,及时发出简明诚恳的信件。
以便你更喜欢的公司,大学,以及姑娘觉得你是个人才,是个好人,是个诚实的人, 是个有担当的人,从而,这些你更喜欢的公司,大学,还有姑娘们,尽早恢复答应你,你可以尽早的从中取一个你最喜欢的。
你要明明白白地告诉你更喜欢的公司,大学和姑娘们说,你已经得到了那个公司的OFFER, 那个的奖学金,那个姑娘的爱慕,但你更喜欢他们的公司,他们的大学,更喜欢姑娘你,希望到他们公司上班,到他们大学上学,姑娘你结婚。
Dear Mr./Ms.XXX , 
I am pleased to let you know that XXX Company has extended me a job offer.   
While I am happy with this offer, I would like to serve your company. Your company is a very privileged company.  It is a great opportunity for me.  I would be honored to work with you and serve your company.
I appreciate if you can inform me of the status of hiring process as soon as possible. 
With appreciation and anticipation, 
Your first name
Dear Mr./Ms.XXX , 
I am pleased to let you know that school BBB has accepted me with a full scholarship.   
While I am happy with this, I would like to go to your school. Your school is a very privileged school.  It is a great opportunity for me.  I would be honored to study in your school.
I appreciate if you can inform me of the status of adminition process as soon as possible. 
With appreciation and anticipation, 
Your first name
Dear Ms.AAA ,
I am pleased to let you know that Ms. BBB has promised me to marry me.   
While I am happy with this, I would like to marry you. You are the most lovely lady that I ever met.  I will love you forever.  I would be honored to and very happy to marry you.
I appreciate if you can inform me whether you would like to marry me or not as soon as possible. 
With appreciation and anticipation, 
Your first name