
来源: 2017-03-02 05:53:20 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

被昨天大家的人到中年贴感染,我也中年blue了。早晨送二囡上学的路上我没由来地跟二囡说:you know what, life is unfair sometimes. 我本来就是随口找个对象发发感慨,没指望她能理解。谁知道她也以sad口吻轻声对我说: I know. Sometimes I feel the same way. 我一听乐了,问为什么。她难过地回答:because people are not taking care of the earth. They are littering. Some of them litter cigarettes butts on the ground. 


她接着关切地询问我:what makes you sad mommy? 我说没有人帮我啊。你爸爸一出差就什么事都要我做,有时会tired。她认真地说:sleeping will help you! When we're sleeping, the angels are helping to take care of us. The angels are your helpers mama!


然后话题就突然拐弯到:mommy, do you know why some trees are crookedly? 不等我回答,她就急不可待地说because they are looking for sunshine. They are trying to grow in the direction where the sunlight comes most...
