Historical reflection on the demise of the US Empire

来源: 2016-10-16 18:48:20 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Historical reflection on the demise of the US Empire

The aristocrats are better informed, in that the everyday man in the US has no idea what they currently gain from empire or what they are set to loose should they loose it. 

In 1913 here in the England the aristocrats went to war to defend our empire when Germany made a bid for an overland route to the oil fields of Iraq, the Persian Gulf and quick access to the jewels of our empire -E Africa and India. We had the mistaken belief that a win at any price would allow England to restore the status quo post-conflict. WE LOST EVERYTHING. Hereabouts there were many vast country houses of successful empire families with great land holdings, full gun rooms, who ate of silver (silver was money in 1913 – think of the imagery), kept large households and estates. We were the hated and cruel world leaders, immeasurably wealthier than the US is today. We emptied our treasuries and youth into the first and second WW. By 1945 thousands of those immortal houses were lumps in meadow land, not a stone standing; the families and their fortunes gone. For 14 years to 1954 the whole nation had to queue for basic food. We shared diseases among the poor with the poorest parts of the world. We lost our empire, our revenue, our world market, our young. 

We did manage, however, to pass the baton of empire to the USA. They have in turn bankrupt themselves with a first round of major wars and interventions, and are now are about to embark on their second round to try to restore an irretrievable pre-empire status quo. 

Empire has only two choices – rule everything or die violently. None have succeeded at the first, including the US. 

What you American readers need to understand and do is what our British leaders failed to do in 1914 – force your government to recognize that the natural and unstoppable dynamic shift in power in the world needs to be acknowledged, and if you are to survive at all, they need to put all their effort into re-negotiating a place among, not at the head of, the new world architecture. ie. to acknowledge that the good times are over. Either that, or be prepared to send your sons and daughters into battle, and these days sacrifice your cities and land, to defend the indefensible. Which is sadly what looks likely to happen. 

If there is one remaining thing I recognise and admire in Yanks is that they can get busy. Get busy turning the head of your government – Trump or Clinton, they are both the same – cos’ you are about to loose EVERYTHING. 

taken from 