Mass Migration 之后怎么选专业?

来源: 2016-10-16 06:28:23 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


WMM - Weapons of Mass Migration 

A strategy that has been working in Europe where such massive people movements divides the citizens of the 'migrated-to' nation into right and left extreme movements, pushing for... 
Rightists - more crackdowns, police enforcement, greater search and seizure powers (actual freezing of individual bank accounts and empting credit card accounts by swiping cards at point of detention), state property grab and forfeitures, more surveillance, greater loss of civil and individual privacy rights, rise of corporate rights in deference to individual rights or community rights, strengthening commercial power interests to existing power centers... 
Leftists - more social services, rise of taxation, limiting and restricting power of policing, stopping the power to seize personal property. relaxing yet expanding voting privileges to greater numbers of people, accepting more relaxed immigration. 

MASS MIGRATION in todays world is being cultivated as a weapon to further the interests of globalists in highly concentrated centers of economic and political power. 

And this problem is building and will only get worse. 

meanwhile, at the southern border
price - Sun, Oct 16, 2016 - 06:23 AM 

Throngs of Haitians, Africans, Russians, Armenians and Guatemalans are being admitted into the United States via the Mexican border with virtually no vetting for security or health risks, high level Homeland Security officials told Judicial Watch this week. Overwhelmed and understaffed border agents are bombarded daily with an onslaught of immigrants from these countries and have been ordered by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to process them as refugees with “credible fear.” Most are camping out in Mexican border towns and going “port shopping” before gaining entry to the U.S., according to federal officials whose identities must be kept anonymous because they fear retaliation. The ports “are unlike anything I’ve ever seen,” said Patricia Cramer, a veteran border agent who serves as president of the U.S. Customs employee union in the Tucson, Arizona sector. 

One federal agent at the San Luis Port of entry in Arizona described the situation as a “mass crisis, like a third-world country.” A DHS supervisor in the region told Judicial Watch that the agency has issued an order from Washington D.C. to all agents: “No one is allowed to speak to the media.”


WMM outline