
来源: 2016-10-07 10:44:53 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


Good afternoon, All

It is with mixed emotion that I am announcing to you all that on Oct. 10, I will begin a new challenge in my career with another government agency.
Please accept my heartfelt thanks to you all for the help and guidance that you have given me.   I am proud to be at the front line serving XXX Agency community for the past seven years.
Best wishes to you all and hope our path will cross in the future.
With gratitude,


人到中年莫彷徨, 不减当年少年狂

精神焕发上沙场, 轰轰烈烈创辉煌

劝君莫笑无忧狂, 炎黄子孙不窝囊

八岁没爹只有娘, 长城脚下飞凤凰

大美帝国走一趟, 天高地远任飞翔

生活从来是战场, 不可小脚娘娘腔

大刀阔斧向前闯, 天翻地覆凯而慷

野鸡毕业笑长藤, 新来移民也居上

不负亲友和故乡, 耕耘美帝增风光

中华儿女好模样, 美帝子民都向往

以此告慰爹和娘, 为儿还是旧模样

浑身是胆志如钢, 勇往直前毅坚强
