Students told to compare Trump to Hitler

来源: 2016-09-23 22:30:14 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Students told to compare Trump to Hitler - @ parents afraid of the school board ... 

“Basically, the only people who seem to be safe from this guy are white Christian males,” the teacher said in a classroom discussion recorded by a student. “Am I missing anything? Oh, American – white, Christian, male Americans.” 

The unidentified teacher at North Carolina’s Cedar Ridge High School even made students watch speeches delivered by Hitler and had them compare them to speeches that Trump had delivered, outraged parents tell me. 

After the teacher found out she had been recorded, she demanded that students turn over their cell phones, one parent alleged. 

“She made the kids drop their phones in a basket by the door,” the parent said. “So we just told the kids to either take notes or record her on their laptops.” 

What’s happening at Cedar Ridge High School is a classic example of how the left is using the public school system against us. American classrooms have been turned into indoctrination centers for the left.