bleak view of the future world of useless eaters

来源: 2016-09-15 19:19:02 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

For those baffled by the destructive Globalist agenda, here is the Left's bleak view of the future world of useless eaters
SanityPrevails - Thu, Sep 15, 2016 - 07:06 PM 

The US Left draws much from the highly prejudiced British caste system - which basically assigns your station in society from the family you came from and barring that, the university you attended. This is why Democrats particularly from the northeast are obsessed w Ivy League schools. It is straight from Victorian England. 

Once you are a member of the rarified air of elite circles, you can use your superior intellect to help craft the future of the human species, most of which are stupid if not dirty savages and/or animals. The Left is racist as hell but mainly as a measure of intelligence. 

From all the studies and books, you can see the future of population growth, robotics and computers and things are pretty bleak for the human race. You know the middle class is fucked no matter how you slice it so rather than fret over it, you plan accordingly. Yes you feel guilty as hell but there it is - all this technology and progress is only leading to enslavement. Well at least you are in the elite group of survivors. You know the rest of the masses will be coming after you so national borders are rather pointless. Better to turn them on each other and cull the herd while you can. And hopefully they will die off and trees and grass will cover everything up. A small irony here is that cultural Marxism is destroying the typical markers of academic class - being able to cite Chaucer or speak w arrogance about unwashed natives running around in the woods etc. Rednecks are bad but Cherokees are not etc. 

You still need enclaves of safety however but you know the best armies can always be bought with money. But money could be a problem too. Yes wealth is concentrated within the club but obviously business models based on selling to the masses will be problematic. So right now the focus is wealth extraction while you still can. Rape and pillage now is acceptable because it is all going to burn anyway. 

Recall the Indian caste system, which was adopted from the British, is essentially how you maintain lifestyle in an overpopulation situation. You deliberately limit the number of elites (doctors, lawyers etc) in the system to avoid competition for wages etc. This is why Ivy League schools are so important - they constrain supply. 

So why Islam? Islam is very good at controlling millions in poverty. The Left is under the delusion (largely due to their experience w Saudis particularly in London) that somehow Islam can enslave the masses but elites can still feast at the palace. 

And that is what I was taught as I grew up as an elite Leftie in the UK and in New York etc.