
来源: 2016-01-28 14:01:49 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:






a.  一个基督徒在世时的所有活动可以比喻成‘白宫’;

b.  该基督徒的灵魂可以比喻成还未上任的第一夫人;

c.  当该基督徒重生时,他/她接受耶稣基督作为个人的救主,这个时刻好比第一夫人与总统入主白宫;


2.  天路灵修










3.  幽默故事



90年青年时以理科的背景从大陆来美,对近100年前翻译的中文圣经中的不少重要概念不通。曾将孔子的‘人之初、性本善’与基督徒的‘Humans are born with sinful nature’相提并论许久,还反复琢磨‘当以心灵和诚实敬拜主’中的‘心灵’是什麽意思。当推敲‘心灵’是否就是‘心脏’时,我的心脏隐隐作痛;当以‘义人的心在右边’为依据而指向右胸时,我的右肺则隐隐作痛。当琢磨‘心灵’是否就是现代汉语中的‘精神’而去实践时,有人说我有‘精神病’。在两次因为脑力过劳差点晕倒a在州政府办公室、后又被迫辞职b后,经过一位长老弟兄的指点,才知道该用英文:‘Worship the LORD in Truth & Spirit’(wholeheartedly)。





a Believe or not, I was enrolled into a famous Seminary for two semesters from August 2007 to June 2008 and took two courses there: 1st course passed, but the 2nd course failed due to double pressures from a waged job & the heavy reading loads from the tough theological courses.  During 2010, I almost passed out twice in office due to brain fatigue (chemical imbalance in bipolar neurons).  There is no glory for me to mention my own physical failures.  However, as a senior, I think that it would be nice for juniors to be aware of those things in order to build a humble & caring spirit.


b The trigger for the forced resignation appears to be a miscommunicationc in a meeting in March 2011 with two union-level managers.  I was in the dismay of a tragedy: a middle-aged computer model developer in the circle deceased suddenly one month after we chatted in a conference on a possible cooperation; another middle-aged computer model developer in the circle deceased a few years ago after he showed sick symptoms for a few weeks.  Though statistics showed that ~10% of people aged from 41 to 50 in USA could not survive through in recent years, as a computer model developer, I felt bad for the tragedies.  During the meeting, two managers softly showed me annual evaluation form with all items dissatisfied; it was odd to me, as a senior specialist in the field.  In the end of the meeting, I uttered 'Japanese spy, US spy' gently in an attempt to enlighten the air of death shadow in the State office and the lethal faints that I suffered in the past year.  A few days later, security guards and an upper manager came to my cubicle and asked me to leave the office immediately; a few weeks later, I was asked to resign or be fired by an upper manager, and a county court further restrained me from getting close to the managers for three years, citing mostly wrong accusations except the fact that I emailed Gospel messages from office account.  With three children to support at home and a fatigue brain, I sought help from a local lawyer but he was unable to persuade the State officer to keep my job and thus wage.  As a result, my family suffered from a net loss of ~$6500 per month (including disability insurance) from the supposedly permanent employment with the State.  During the crisis, the trinity God is our comfort and delivery.  Meanwhile, I took the opportunity to work overseas for a year; during the period, I brought my widowed mother to a good hospital for a successful eye surgery and published a book gratefully.


c According to an expert in the field of Christian communication, human's communication consists of four components: the first one is what the speaker wanted to say, the second one is what the speaker said, the third one is what the listener heard, and the fourth one is what deposited to the listener's heart.  A miscommunication refers to the situation when the listener reacted to the speaker not in accordance with the speaker's good intention & expectation.


