Have any of you seen the Ivy Dreams documentary?

来源: 2015-12-31 10:49:15 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Have any of you seen the documentary called Ivy Dreams?  it was first published in 2005. 

Here is the link to part one,  It has 10 parts. part 8 and 9 are about decisions.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cghj-myPGls?.

It is a documentary following  four Asian kids in their senior year and college application process.  We, as Chinese parents, should really reflect on how we treat our kids at our homes. There needs to a balance. Our kids take our words and our belief seriously. As such, we may want to zip our mouth from time to time, cut some slacks once in a while.  We must knowledge that our kids are already industrious, obedience to parents and grant parents, take academics seriously, and have enough EC activities in their hands. It is not too much for them to ask for permission to go out, enjoy a movie, have a sleepover, or go to concert with friends.

just my thoughts after watching the show. Not meant to offend anyone here. 

Happy New Year.
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