hockey is NOT even on the list for top 10 dangerous sports for k

来源: 2015-10-13 07:06:48 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

check it out:

Basketball - More than half a million kids went to the ER in just one year with injuries sustained playing hoops. Damage to the anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL, is a common injury and any sport involving twisting, jumping, pivoting, squatting, or making sudden stops puts kids at risk. Proper coaching is a must.

  • Bicycling - This favorite pastime sends more kids to the ER than football. Wearing a helmet greatly reduces risk as does educating children about the dangers of riding in traffic.
  • Football - This sport sends approximately 400-thousand kids to the ER annually. Sports injury statistics vary based on methodology, and the Center for Injury Research and Policy found football to be the leading cause of sports-related injuries among kids.
  • Soccer - The ball is soft, but the sport can be dangerous. One culprit is portable soccer goals, which should be securely anchored to the ground.
  • Baseball - Today’s kids train hard and hit the ball hard. Children should wear proper protective gear and be taught how to safely slide into bases and other fundamentals. With all warm-weather sports, heat exhaustion is also a threat.
  • Skateboarding - They don’t call extreme sports "extreme" for nothing. The National Safety Council recommends the use of protective gear, such as closed, slip-resistant shoes, helmets, and specially designed padding for elbows, knees, and hands.
  • Trampoline - It’s not really a sport—or is it? Newer models with nets to keep kids from falling off are safer. Backyard trampolines are for jumping, not stunts. More adventurous kids need a qualified trainer and a gym.
  • Softball - If a fast-traveling baseball can cause serious injury, so can a fast-traveling softball.
  • Swimming and Diving - Anytime you mix kids and water, you have potential for an injury. Head and spinal cord injuries are a risk when kids are diving. Make sure kids know how deep the water is and that all pools, lakes, and beaches have qualified lifeguards.
  • Horseback riding - A British study found serious head and spinal injuries were most common when jumping.