回复:回复:回复:有时还就是鱼和熊掌的关系。藤校--冷门专业 vs 其它--热门专业;名气 vs 职业

来源: 2011-12-06 18:30:10 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

You got it completely wrong.  It may be hard for you to imagine if you "have not been there, done that".  Be honest with you, who cares about "美国现在的job market 缺的恰恰不是financial services and consulting 而是 engineer" as a whole.  Financial Services and consulting are still hiring many many students, of course not from a state school.

Why would somebody from financial services or consulting switch to engineering?  Would you like to give up your $100K job to be a janitor (sorry, but you get the point!)  I got my degree from Princeton engineering but I did not do engineering for a day.  Why?  Because the pay was low and the upside potential was limited.  I went to consulting for a few years and now I have a business related job.  Would I go back to engineering?  Definitely no!  Why would I want to take a huge pay cut and become a work bee?

You tell me how many people can get into a top MBA program?  It's worthless to get an MBA from no name school.

Yes, there are huge competitions for non-technical jobs.  That's why a top degree is valued!