don't hold her back

来源: 2005-01-21 22:36:19 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
My older boy did not start preschool till he was three years and nine months old. My younger one started at two and a half. I regreted that I hold my older one back for that one extra year.

They learned a lot of things at preschool: how to play with other kids, eat/take a nap by themself, following rules, nice manners. We simply cannot give them that much stimulation and discipline at home. In the beginning they got hungry, soon they will learn that they have to eat well at lunch time, otherwise they will have to wait till snack after nap. They will learn to put on jacket when it's cold. They are so much more independent and confident. Their language skills and socialization skills simply soar. They used to be picky w.r.t. food, now they eat almost everything because they see other kids eat these food at school.

Of course, the teachers won't be as careful and protective as moms are. But Chinese moms
(including me) are overprotective. If she caught cold from other kids, or got scratched, don't take it too seriously and start to complain about the school. That will send a negative signal to your kid.