Debate is really useful for high school students.

My daughter has joined the debate club since sophomore year. Her school does not offer any debate classes. So she learned all the debate skills from captains and senior members (the coacher is not a debate teacher and can not really teach them anything) as well as other debaters in tournaments. She enjoys debate very much and has won some awards at different levels (local, regional and national). She is now the VP of the club and is responsible for coaching novice members. Of course, debate is very time and money consuming. She has dedicated many weekends to debate tournaments. Before each tournament, she has to do intensive research on debate topics and writes up speeches. I also need to sacrifice my weekends to drive her to the tournaments and serve as judge. Overall my daughter has benefited (such as communication skills, leadership, writing skills etc) considerably from her debate experience. I would strongly recommend that high school students join the debate club and take debate/speech classes if available.


Thanks very much for sharing your daughter's excellent experienc -月近故人- 给 月近故人 发送悄悄话 月近故人 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/17/2010 postreply 17:46:24
